Our Story

Our Story

Tencontre has been growing in their founders’ heart since she was a little girl. It didn’t had this name at the time, in fact it had a lot of names, but the concept was the same: to create a different and unique space for everyone.

On 2019 the first drafts of what it could be started flowing in, but the intention of creating a store that would stand out from the rest, that had unique pieces, and that each one of them told a story, was certain.

The founder’s mother came up with the name in one, out of a million, status/brainstorming calls. She was inspired by the idea of only bringing unique items, and the time, dedication, and efforts that it takes to find them. Tencontre comes from the union of two words in Spanish “te encontré”, that in English means “I found you”.

Once the name was set, we found (pun intended) the Wayuu Bag. That handbag was perfect to launch the store and, with it, to embark on the journey of realizing a dream. It wasn’t until mid-2019 that the concept that was on the vision board for so many years came to life. With the support of friends and family, Tencontre was founded.

It was our popular Wayuu bag that made it possible for having the qualities of being a unique, different and for everyone. When we found the wayuu bags we took it as a sign and said that the wait was over. We have found the moment to do it and we have found the perfect gem to share with all of you.

This is just the beginning of a wonderful journey full of unique and different pieces. We are happy and honor to complete your outfits and to bring you memorable moments through each piece.

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